Harry Fine - 主讲讲师
Week #1 – Session #1
Materials – LTB helpful items
1. Harry Fine Background
2. What is the Residential Tenancies Act
3. Does the RTA cover your tenancy
4. What is the Landlord Tenant Board
5. How do you access the LTB, location, fax, email etc.
6. What does the LTB Do, types of claims
7. How evictions work – Notice first, then application
8. Go yourself or use a paralegal
9. Why it is best to avoid the LTB
a. Time
b. Risk
c. Dismissal
10. Prejudice at the LTB
Case Studies:
Tenant Owes Rent – Are there alternatives
Landlord wants to sell – What are alternatives
Simple eviction – Can take a year and cost $$$
Week #1 – Session #2
Materials – Government lease - Application
1. Tricks to start things off right, credit checks
2. Who is judging whom
3. Due diligence before accepting
4. The government lease
5. The right paperwork
6. Setting the starting rent
7. Setting the lease term
8. Getting a rent deposit, maximum 1 month vs reality
9. Realtors vs doing it yourself vs property manager
10. Human Rights Code risk
Case Studies:
Tenant doesn’t pay first and last but promises to pay on move-in
Realtor for tenant gives you a credit report. What do you do
Landlord is too honest about reasons for not accepting tenant
Landlord uses Realtors clauses, including the right to renew term
Week #2 – Session #1
Materials – Rent ledger - N 4 – COS
1. The most common problem, tenant doesn't pay rent
2. How to avoid rent issues
3. What to do if rent isn’t paid on time
4. How the N4 works
5. How to complete the N4
6. How to mess up the N4
7. How to give tenant the N4
8. Waiting for payment, partial payments
9. What happens next
Case Studies:
N4 dates wrong – what to do
N4 amount wrong – what happens
N4 is OK but no landlord address provided
N4 seems OK, but rent increase wasn’t done properly
Week #2 – Session #2
Materials – N8 – COS- L1 Update Sheet
1. An N8 notice is different. It’s for always being late
2. To do N8, you better have served lots of N4s
3. Let’s look at an N8
4. Serving an N8 along with an N4
5. The next step is filing the application, called the L1
6. The L1 – application to evict + application for rent
7. How things work post-COVID-19
8. What happens after you file. You wait…..
9. And you wait some more….
10. Getting ready for the hearing
11. The L1 Update sheet – Know how to use it